NEWSArtworks of Mr. Takashi NISHIKAWA, Certified Traditional Craftsman, Miyazaki Prefecture.

Artworks of Mr. Takashi NISHIKAWA, Certified Traditional Craftsman, Miyazaki Prefecture.

This page features all the Go bowls by Mr. Takashi NISHIKAWA, a Traditional Craftsman by the Miyazaki Pref. Government, Japan.
First-come and first-sold basis. Only limited number of Go bowl is available as each bowl is totally handmade.

●Who is Mr. Takashi NISHIKAWA?
In 1999, Mr. Nishikawa, a Rokuro woodworker, was recognized as a Traditional Craftsman by the Miyazaki Prefectural Government, Japan.
He started his career at the age of 20. Since then, for more than 50 years, he has created a large variety of works. He touches and feels carefully the texture of wood when he shaves it.
Even today, his ambition to brush his skill up is never end. With the pride of Certified Traditional Craftsman, he makes continuous effort to create better artworks with better skills.

Artworks of Traditional Craftsman